Indian Boarding Schools in North America

Date: Wednesday, January 20, 2021
Time: 11:30 am EST
Location: Zoom

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Our January Virtual Lunch & Learn Program features Dr. Andrew Woolford, a Professor at the University of Manitoba and author of the book, This Benevolent Experiment: Indigenous Boarding Schools, Genocide, and Redress in Canada and the United States.

Dr. Woolford's research on the Indian Boarding School movement in North America was sparked by the 2007 Indian Residential School Agreement between the Canadian government and former students of the boarding schools. In the U.S., similar efforts are taking place, including a recently introduced bipartisan bill (H.R.8420) to establish the Truth and Healing Commission on Indian Boarding School Policy in the United States.

Join Chhange and Dr. Woolford for an important discussion about both government initiatives and the impact and legacy of Indian Boarding Schools on Indigenous groups across North America.

1 hour of Professional Development Provided.

Pre-registration is required for Zoom URL.

Admission is FREE for Chhange Members & Brookdale CC Students and Staff

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Chhange educates, inspires, and empowers individuals to stand up to injustice.