Book Talk: The Resistance Network

Date: 10/13/2021
Time: 7:00 pm EDT
Location: Zoom
Join Chhange and Dr. Khatchig Mouradian as he discusses his newly released book, The Resistance Network: The Armenian Genocide and Humanitarianism in Ottoman Syria, 1915-1918 (2021). The book offers the history of an underground network of humanitarians, missionaries, and diplomats in Ottoman Syria who helped save the lives of thousands during the Armenian Genocide. Dr. Mouradian challenges depictions of Armenians as passive victims of violence and subjects of humanitarianism, demonstrating the key role they played in organizing a humanitarian resistance against the destruction of their people.
Registrants who donate $30 or more will receive a signed copy of the book mailed to them following the program.
Khatchig Mouradian is a lecturer at Columbia University and the Armenian and Georgian Area Specialist at the Library of Congress. He is the author of The Resistance Network: The Armenian Genocide and Humanitarianism in Ottoman Syria, 1915-1918. In 2020, Mouradian was awarded a Humanities War & Peace Initiative Grant from Columbia University. Mouradian has published articles on concentration camps, unarmed resistance, the aftermath of mass violence, midwifery in the Middle East, and approaches to teaching history. He is the co-editor of a forthcoming book on late-Ottoman history, and the editor of the peer-reviewed journal The Armenian Review. Previously, Mouradian has taught at Worcester State University, Clark University, Stockton University, Rutgers University, and California State University – Fresno.